SMA sustainability

Shaping a better future

[Translate to English:] Nachhaltigkeit bei SMA - Eine bessere Zukunft gestalten

Sustainable out of conviction

For more than 40 years, SMA solutions have helped make a sustainable, secure and cost-effective energy supply a reality for everyone worldwide. Right from the very beginning, we have been firmly convinced that it is not enough to simply develop innovative technologies for climate-friendly energy generation. It is also important how these are produced. This is why the objective of holistic sustainability in all areas of the company is at the center of our corporate strategy.

Jürgen Reinert, SMA Solar

Jürgen Reinert, Chairman of the Managing Board

Strategic objective of sustainability

“The objective of holistic sustainability is at the center of our Strategy 2025. Our ambition here is to take over a leading role in shaping a better future. And not only through the contribution we make to climate protection with our products and solutions, but also through the highest environmental, social and governance standards in our business processes.”

UN Sustainable Development Goals

At the UN Summit on Sustainable Development 2015, all member states of the United Nations jointly adopted the 2030 Agenda. It is a joint roadmap for a future characterized by peace and prosperity for people and the planet. At the core of the agenda are the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the areas of environment, economy and social welfare. All participants in society are called upon to help achieve these goals.


SMA is strongly committed to this responsibility. Thanks to our products and solutions, we have the greatest influence on the achievement of Goal 7 “Affordable and Clean Energy.” But we can also make valuable contributions beyond this. In a special analysis, we assessed this at the level of the sub-goals of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The result is that SMA’s business activities contribute to 9 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals within the essential aspects.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

UN Global Compact

In January 2011, SMA joined the UN Global Compact. The global voluntary initiative aims to unite the forces of the United Nations, companies and civil society to work together for sustainable development. The focus is on ten principles relating to human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption, which are based on the central conventions of the United Nations.

UN Global Compact

Our business principles

The SMA Business Principles, which have formed the basis for the SMA group’s Code of Conduct since 2012, were thoroughly revised in 2022 and were enacted and republished by the Managing Board under the name “SMA Employee Code of Conduct”. They set out our values and clear standards of conduct for all employees. Beyond the implementation of legal and regulatory requirements, we also undertake to act ethically, sustainably and with integrity at all times, to assume our corporate responsibility and to treat others with respect.

The SMA Code of Conduct for Business Partners contains the legal and ethical standards with which our suppliers and all other business partners must fully and bindingly comply when conducting business with SMA and making decisions that affect SMA.

Our business principles - SMA Solar