SolarCoin, the first energy-referenced currency, is a reward that can be claimed by all producers of solar energy globally. It uses blockchain technology and is given out for free by the SolarCoin Foundation to the producers of solar energy at the rate of 1 SLR (SolarCoin) for every MWh of verified production.
“At SMA, we constantly look for new opportunities and business models for our customers,” said Matthias Victor, Head of Innovation Center at SMA. “Over the last few months we have examined the benefits and possibilities posed by SolarCoin within this context. We are convinced that making this crypto currency easily available through Sunny Portal gives an added value to our customers, especially as the SolarCoin community is constantly evaluating additional use cases and business models that will evolve with the growing community.”
“The SolarCoin community is excited to have SMA's Sunny Portal be the first global solar energy monitoring platform to integrate and roll out the SolarCoin reward program,” said Nick Gogerty, Co-Founder of SolarCoin. “SMA is showing great leadership in the move to digital energy and blockchain. Now over 260,000 global solar installation owners can click and receive free SolarCoin as a reward for the good solar energy they have produced. They can claim SolarCoin for energy produced since January 2010 for the next 35 years going forward.”
Just a few clicks to be in
Claiming SolarCoins is now very easy for Sunny Portal users. They only have to accept the terms of use by ticking a box in Sunny Portal and the whole application process runs automatically in the background. There is no need to submit all the documentation typically required for registration to provide evidence of the PV system’s ownership status, technical data, power generation capacity and identity. Right after registration, the SolarCoin tile will appear on the system overview in the Sunny Portal. A digital SolarCoin “wallet” is no longer necessary to submit a claim. The SolarCoin Foundation will manage the users’ SolarCoins until they decide to redeem them.
More information and instructions for registration can be found here.
About SMA
The SMA Group with sales of around €900 million in 2017 is a global leader for solar inverters, a key component of all PV plants. SMA offers a wide range of products and solutions that allow for high energy yields for residential and commercial PV systems and large-scale PV power plants. To increase PV self-consumption efficiently, SMA system technology can easily be combined with different battery technologies. Intelligent energy management and digital energy solutions, comprehensive services and operational management of PV power plants round off SMA’s range. The company is headquartered in Niestetal, near Kassel, Germany, is represented in 19 countries and has more than 3,000 employees worldwide, including 500 working in Development. SMA’s multi-award-winning technology is protected by more than 1,200 patents and utility models. Since 2008, the Group’s parent company, SMA Solar Technology AG, has been listed on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (S92) and is listed in the SDAX index.
SMA Solar Technology AG
Sonnenallee 1
34266 Niestetal
Head of Corporate Communications:
Anja Jasper
Tel. +49 561 9522-2805
Press Contact:
Susanne Henkel
Manager Corporate Press
Tel. +49 561 9522-1124
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