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Energy on demand — as required
Large-Scale Storage Solutions from SMA

System solutions with Sunny Central Storage battery inverters are used in storage power plants and PV hybrid systems worldwide. They ensure the stability of transmission lines and reduce energy costs through the use of photovoltaic energy and large-scale battery-storage systems in hybrid power generation systems.
Large-scale storage solutions from SMA for a stable, flexible and efficient energy supply.
Make renewable energy reliable and dispatchable
Provide ancillary services to ensure stable grid operation
Suitable for all grid-tied and hybrid applications
Independence from volatile energy supplies and rising diesel costs
Optimum integration of PV into the existing infrastructure
Solutions based on components from large-scale systems

Schlüsselfertige Speicherlösung
Der Sunny Central Storage Batterie-Wechselrichter erfüllt alle Netzanforderungen weltweit und ist auch in einer schlüsselfertigen Containerlösung erhältlich.
Vollautomatischer Anlagenbetrieb
Der SMA Power Plant Manager kombiniert Überwachung und Steuerung von Speichern sowohl in netzgekoppelten Systemen als auch in Hybridsystemen.
In großen Speichern wird Energie gespeichert. SMA Lösungen ermöglichen den Einsatz von Speichern unterschiedlicher Hersteller.
Power Plant Manager
Perfectly harmonized components in large storage solutions
The turnkey solution for intelligent plant control
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Large storage projects worldwide - accomplished with SMA

Sustainable power supply to the Caribbean island of St. Eustatius
Find out more