PV-Diesel-Hybrid-System Lahore, Pakistan

Lahore, Pakistan, 2016

Nishat Mills Solar Power Plant

SMA successfully completed its first fuel save project in Lahore, Pakistan, within 4 month time from the order entry in August 2016 up to the on-site commissioning in December 2016.

An essential precondition for the project success was the collaboration and expertise in a multicultural team which overcame time differences and distances.

Nishat Mills is a jeans factory located at the suburban area of Pakistan’s capital Lahore.

Solar Inverters - Lahore, Pakistan

Lahore, Pakistan

December 16, 2016

Installed PV power
1,495 MWp

Annual energy yield
2179 MWh

1526 tons / year

System Technology
1 SMA Fuel Save Controller 2.0
21 SMA Sunny Tripower 60-10
2 Diesel gensets Cummins
5750 PV modules Risen SYP260P

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