PV-Diesel-Hybrid-System Malindi, Kenia

Commercial Operation of Salt Factory, Malindi

Hybrid Energy Supply – Kenya 2016

Krystalline Salt’s factory is supplied by 25% of solar energy in grid parallel and in Diesel mode. Following their ambitious energy management, the company took solar to a professional scale and safes expenditures for electricity supply.

SMA Sunbelt Energy GmbH in cooperation with its local construction partner Harmonic Systems built and commissioned the project within 5,5 months.

SMA Sunny Tripower Malindi, Kenia

Malindi, Kenya

December 2016

Specific requirements
Co-generation with generators and grid costal conditions

Installed PV power
991 kWp

Diesel Capacity

Annual energy yield
1600 MWh

25 % savings on electricity costs

CO2 savings
982 t/year

System Technology
1 Fuel Save Controller 2.0
35 Sunny Tripower 25000TL-30

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