Commercial PV Power Plant – Germany, 2017

Solarpark Bruhrain - 1,967 KWp

The Solarpark Bruhrain in Oberhausen, was built by WIRCON GmbH in 2007 and has been repowered in 2017 with 32 innovative Sunny Tripower CORE1 inverters. This 50 kW inverter is setting new standards in installations on roofs and ground surfaces. The freestanding inverter allows a commercial system to be installed up to 60% more quickly and simultaneously reduces the total cost of ownership considerably.

SMA Tripower CORE 1, Oberhausen, Germany

Oberhausen, Germany



Nominal power
1,967 KWp

Annual energy yield
1,878 MWh

CO2 Savings
about 1,296 ts/year

System Technology
32 Sunny Tripower CORE1
1 SMA Cluster Controller
6144 Canadian Solar modules CS6XP 320 Wp

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